A success-story:
Made in Germany
From a start-up idea in 2009 to a market leader with thousands of systems installed each year. Since 2013, our SkyWind micro wind turbines have made wind energy available to everyone. Thanks to our patented all-metal technology with unique quality and proven robustness.
Today SkyWind NG micro wind turbines provide renewable energy from wind all over the world. From residential homes, to commercial real estate and agricultural farms, to the latest telecommunications systems. In Europe SkyWind turbines are available through the largest wholesale suppliers.
SkyWind is very proud to be part of the "Energy" exhibition in the world reknown Vienna Science & Technology museum in Austria!
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Visit our hightech wind turbine factory and longtime SkyWind operators in this 10 minute TV report from 2023: Watch
Proven. Around The Globe.
From Germany to the most remote regions of the world: Since its market launch 10 years ago, SkyWind NG systems have been supplying our customers with environmentally friendly energy from wind. Visit with our interactive map of many regions and locations where SkyWind NG systems are already in use.
Please notice: Protecting our customers' data is our top priority at SkyWind Energy. Therefore, all data is anonymized and regionalized. Each dot indicates a region (zip code) in which SkyWind turbines are installed. Specific address data or system numbers are subject to data protection.
From Germany to the whole world...
Behind the SkyWind NG stand two experienced entrepreneurs of the micro wind power industry. In 2009, Fritz Unger and Julia Prochnau developed the first all-metal micro wind turbine. An award at Jugend forscht, the Rotarians, and start-up funding with the Stratmann Foundation in Hanover followed. Today, almost 15 years later, 30 employees manufacture about 10.000 SkyWind NG turbines annually. But getting there was a long way: The success story started in 2008 when Fritz Unger started work on a new process to efficiently manufacturing micro wind turbines blades from metal. A participation in the famous “Jugend forscht” awards of 2009 followed. Important contacts to industry leaders were established. With “BreezeBreaker”, the first production wind turbine was designed in 2010. By 2012, more than 2000 units of the system with a rated output of 800 watts would be sold. The president of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Christian Wulf, honors the founders in 2012. But then a problem appeared: broken rotor blades and sales are halted immediately. After a thorough examination, experts determine the cause. The main supplier, partner in the company from the very beginning, saved money and used cheap, substandard material for the rotors instead of aircraft grade aluminum that was ordered and paid for. The founders decide to head back to the drawing board to include the learnings from years of operation into a new design. Finally, by end of 2013, after one more year of intense development and testing, the SkyWind NG is presented. A fundamentally new product based on the latest technology. A German business angel investor joins the new business, financing the new product with more than €200,000 in venture capital. For the SkyWind NG, rigorous testing ensure the high quality standard for every single turbine. Expert engineers are hired to implement strict manufacturing in the new factory. With SkyWind, for the first time ever, a micro wind turbine is tested by an independent German test laboratory based on DIN ISO 61400-12-1, the same standard that applies to turbines of the megawatt class. Next up is a classic start-up success story, making SkyWind NG the industry standard for micro wind turbines around the globe. The innovative technology from Hanover continues to win, among other awards, the German Industry Award in 2015 & 2016, as well as the world renown “empowering people. Award” by the SIEMENS Foundation. At the beginning of 2020, a company group from abroad which entered the company a while back to help with international sales, is trying to perform a hostile takeover of the company. The attempt is repelled by the founders. The founding team and the original Business Angel investor then financed the purchase of the technology and products into today’s SkyWind Energy GmbH. The entire company since then continues to be in the hands of the original team only. Ever growing success in the years after proves the teams decisions right. In 2021, the independent certification according to the latest VDE 4105, VDE 0124-100 and VDE 0126-1-1 is successfully completed. Today, SkyWind Energy GmbH supplies the SkyWind NG micro wind turbines to projects from Europe or USA to Nepal and Japan. New control systems even allow its use in the ice desert of northern Canada. Wholesale partners market the systems throughout Europe. SkyWind has an excellent credit rating and is a member of Creditreform Hannover. Benefit from our experience from countless projects worldwide: More than 10,000 SkyWind NG systems are now working in more than 100 countries. Make your project a success by choosing patented SkyWind NG micro wind turbines!